Virtual Intensive with Jacqueline Snyder

Transform your Business in 2 Hours

Experience a fully dedicated one-on-one session tailored just for you–a product-based business owner. We'll dive deep into the heart of your business to uncover your challenges, struggles, and any hidden opportunities. Leave with a custom action plan to help you achieve your goals and up-level your business!

Your dream life and dream business is possible.

You just need the right support and strategy to get you there.

This is the space to dream big dreams, to pursue your passions, and to create a life of unlimited possibilities.

When product-based business owners tell me they feel stuck or are not growing their business, what they are really saying is they are confused on what the next step to take is because they lack guidance, strategy and feedback from someone who knows and understands the product business space.

They're lacking the ability to ask an expert the questions they have about their product biz, the strategy around how to get there and the ability to think bigger to accomplish their goals. 

What they're really missing is a "seat at the table" with a product business expert.

Well guess what?

This is your chance to meet one-on-one with Jacqueline Snyder, the force behind The Product Boss, to dig deep into your business, receive personalized support, and ultimately up-level your business.

What you can expect when you book a Virtual Intensive:

Your Questionnaire

You will receive a pre-call worksheet to understand where you stand right now, your struggles, and what you need or want to accomplish. I suggest sending images or actual samples for my review. We’ll get clear on your goals and needs so we can go into our session with laser focus.

2 Hour Video Call

We'll spend 2 hours reviewing your ideas and business piece by piece to help create a custom step-by-step action plan. Based on our questionnaire, we will have up to 3 objectives (or one main objective) to focus on and plan for. We’ll meet via Zoom (video conference call) for Coaching, and the call will be recorded and shared with you.

Email Support

I won’t throw a ton of information your way and leave you to make sense of it. Reach out, and I will be there for you! You will have access to me via email for two weeks (weekdays only) after our call.

Where will YOU be in the next 6 months?

If you’re looking for support as you navigate this level in your business, you’ve found the right place.

Jacqueline Snyder's Inner Circle Mastermind is not your typical mastermind. It's a carefully curated experience that weaves together the power of in-person connection, customized support, and the game-changing guidance of a business coach

Prepare for deep dives, monumental breakthroughs, and nurturing relationships that go beyond the realm of business.💫

When you surround yourself with other people who are heading toward the same destination, you grow exponentially faster.

And that’s because no one knows everything… and we don’t need to! Not when we’re surrounded with like-minded people whose journeys we can learn from.

The challenge, though, is that in the product-based business industry, finding spaces like this can be incredibly difficult.

Which is exactly why I created one.

Product bosses at this level deserve an intimate space where they can connect into a community at their level, receive and give mentorship as they grow, and expand beyond what they ever thought was possible.

This Mastermind is your invitation to feed your soul, shift your mindset, and ascend as the boss you're destined to be. 

It's a space where growth, fun, and connection converge, creating an environment where extraordinary success thrives.

 The longing for genuine connection has never been stronger 
– it's time to reclaim it and thrive together.

How do I apply?

We’re committed to curating a very intentional group for the Product Boss Mastermind.

We only open up new spaces sparingly, and we only accept business owners that are at a certain level in business that are ready for to take their business to the next level.

As such, we ask that you only submit an application if you’re ready to truly be considered for one of our highly-coveted spots.

When you do, you’ll be added to our waitlist, which is a first-come, first-serve basis.

When a spot opens, we’ll review your application, and if you’re a good fit for the program, invite you to a call with our Scaling Strategist to discuss it further.
We ask that those who apply be READY if given the chance to join the mastermind.
If you decline your spot, please know we cannot guarantee another chance to join in the near future.

"That's how you move up to the next level"

Hi, I'm Jacqueline Snyder!

As a Product Boss myself, I know what it takes to grow multiple businesses, including a multi-million dollar business while trying to live an abundant beautiful life of my dreams. I would be honored to guide you along this journey and help you get to the place I am, where my work does not feel like a job.

I have a deep understanding of how incredible building a thriving product-based business can be and what opportunities it can provide.

I also know how complex it can be without the right support.

It took me over a decade of struggling in my first business, working really late hours, missing dinners and weekends because I was working. But once I found my first coach and joined her mastermind everything changed.

I charged more.  I worked less.  I hired the right people.  I paid myself a six-figure salary.  I travelled.  I even moved to the East Coast with two babies while the team I built ran my business without me!  Gasp. But possible!

Your dreams and goals are totally possible, friend. There are so many unique opportunities for businesses like yours that have reached this level.

I want to remind you that you did not get to this level on just plain luck. You have an incredible business that will continue to scale and thrive, you just need the right support and mindset. I believe in you. I want YOU to believe in you, too!


Imagine us, sitting down together (virtually, of course!), diving deep into what makes your business tick, and mapping out a plan that's as unique as you are.

Here's the scoop:

  • Tailored Guidance: I’m all about keeping it real and focused on you. We'll zero in on your dreams, hurdles, and everything in between.
  • ​Breakthrough Moments: Expect lightbulb moments and strategies that could very well be the game-changer your business needs.
  •  An Actionable Plan: You won’t leave our session empty-handed. You’ll have a crystal-clear, step-by-step action plan that feels doable and exciting.

This is perfect for you if:

You're a product-based business owner who's ready to level up, tear down those roadblocks, and step into your power with confidence and clarity.

Why wait to turn your dreams into reality? Let’s link arms and do this together. 

"You feel like you have a partner"

"Jacqueline has a way of being very direct and clear, but in a way that's encouraging. It makes you feel like you have a partner – I feel like I'm not on the journey alone.

Every program that I've ever done with her has been well worth the money to me. She's really smart and she has really good ideas.  And every time that I invest the money, I get a return well worth all of my investment. I LOVE working with Jacqueline. It's like one of my favorites!

Stacey of Be Blends

"I cannot say enough amazing things about our mastermind. I have learned SO SO much and would not be where I am at today without it."

This is going to sound coarse, but it feels like the Mastermind helped me finally get my act together. I love the discussions and ideas, tricks and tips, and questions that come up in our conversations. The hot seats - where you “ask your question” and the rest of the group responds is amazing - I’d liken it to someone holding a mirror up to your face. It helps you to find clarity, get direction, and sound wisdom.

Susan Gordon
Suson Gordon Pottery

"Now I have 30k Instagram followers, consistent five figure months and I’m feeling confident."

  When I first started the mastermind I had 7,500 Instagram followers, low four figure up and down months and I was feeling insecure and ready to quit. Now I have 30k Instagram followers, consistent five figure months and I’m feeling confident. I’m even opening my own retail location. I love the community aspect of the mastermind, as well as the amazing expert tips that can save me thousands of dollars. It also doesn’t hurt that I get the motivation I need from the group in those tough times. 


Ready to be the next the next success story?

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Earnings Disclaimer. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the website or in the program regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only, and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. Please note that the stated results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavor, results may vary, and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through THE PRODUCT BOSS should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that we at THE PRODUCT BOSS (including sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal or business life.